Mole Valley District

Mole Valley Buses 4U

Mole Valley Villager Buses 50,433,522

Bus 623

Special Shopper Services

Mole Valley Buses 4U

(Demand Responsive Transport - DRT)

Please note that this service is currently limited to certain shopping trips each week. See below:

Special Shopper Services

Please call the Travel Centre on:

01883 701270

Between 0830 and 1700 on Mondays to Fridays to confirm the destination for the week (where this varies) and to book your place on the trip.Timings and pick-up points will be confirmed at the time of booking.


From Boxhill

Destination alternates each week between Redhill & Reigate


From Bookham

to Epsom

From Beare Green

to Reigate Morrison's

For those with mobility difficulties, the buses are fully accessible by means of a passenger lift or ramp.

Fares are £5.00 single, £10 Return

Concessionary passes are accepted.













Buses 4U
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Mole Valley Villager Leaflet - 29 August 2015